Open Build Service Main Contributors

Adrian started his open source career as a developer of the first ripping tool for the KDE desktop (Krabber). In ‘99 SUSE hired him to be their Linux Desktop guy, so he spent the next couple of years taking care of the KDE desktop of the different SUSE Linux distributions. During that time he gathered a lot of knowledge about building software packages for consumer and enterprise customers. Which eventually lead him to his current position as project manager for the SUSE and openSUSE build infrastructure.

When he’s not out sailing or hiking and taking pictures of it, you will most likely catch him thinking about the future of OBS.

Adrian Schröter
Project Manager

For more than a decade Henne is a rigorous practitioner of Free Software development. He loves the raw power of communities collaborating and believes that everyone should be able to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software that is eating running the world. A full stack developer of the modern web who develops in Ruby on Rails.

Henne is beefing up the OBS Frontend, documentation and the projects promotion when he’s not out viciously supporting his hometown football club or teaching free software development with programs such as RailsGirls Summer of Code.

Henne Vogelsang
Frontend Team Lead & Developer
Victor Pereira
Frontend Developer

Used to be a happy Perl programmer living at Gran Canaria. He moved to Nuremberg and to Ruby.

Still a happy programmer, but with better beer.

Eduardo Navarro
Frontend Developer
David Kang
Frontend Developer
Saray Cabrera Padron
Frontend Developer

After years of being the source maintainer of the KDE desktop environment (over 6 million line of code and more than 1800 contributors) and being the release manager of two different GNU/Linux distributions (Caldera and openSUSE) Stephan Kulow (Coolo) knows what makes maintainers of huge projects tick and uses that knowledge to make the OBS better suited for this job.

If you know Coolo it won’t surprise you that he won’t be reduced to using OBS and takes action with hacking the web client, API and other components to make his work easier.

Stephan Kulow
Web UI and API hacker, most important user!

Michael, is another FOSS old-timer in the team. Most hackers probably know him as one of the GNU screen maintainers, perl guru and dependency solver expert. Even before the inauguration of the Open Build Service Michael worked on the SUSE internal OBS predecessor autobuild, which means he brings more than 10 years of experience in developing build system backends to the table! At SUSE Michael shares the role of project manager for the SUSE and openSUSE build infrastructure with Adrian.

Apart from expanding the OBS backend with all kinds of cool features and taking care of the reference server backend, cooking good food and gaming make Michael a happy man.

Michael Schröder
Backend Team Lead & Project Manager

Frank is a Free Software enthusiast since the late 90s. Initially a system administrator he started to develop web-based software in Perl in 2002. He recently joined the team and is currently going through a tough OBS backend bootcamp with his drill instructor Michael.

Besides standing around one of his kettle grills and celebrating BBQ’s, he’s an expert in prototyping rc-cars based open-source computer hardware like the raspPi or arduino.

Frank Schreiner
Backend Developer
Marco Strigl
Backend Developer

Marcus is currently getting his education in computer science at the University of Paderborn. When he’s not busy with lectures, writing papers and enjoying the sweet student life he is taking care of the OBS command line client and library. His participation in the Free and Open Source community sparked as packager for the PackMan project, a 3rd party application repository for SUSE/openSUSE distributions.

As the only guy not well in his thirties and with full hair he proudly represents the next generation of Open Build Service hackers.

Marcus Hüwe
Commandline Client Developer
Dani Donisa Quevedo
Frontend Developer
Lukas Krause
Frontend Developer
Rubhan Azeem
Frontend Developer
Dario Leidi
Frontend Developer
Jay Michalska
Frontend Developer
Bernhard M. Wiedemann

Steven is a veteran of the software industry, getting his start as a Debian Developer from an age so young that he learned how to shave on the Debian IRC channel. (Even though he hasn’t shaved since the first few attempts.)

A proud bluenoser, Steven now lives on a farm in the north of Sweden with his family.

Steven R. Baker
Frontend Developer
Andrii Nitikin
MirrorCache Developer
Daniel Mach
osc Developer
Elisei Roca
DevOPS guru
Daniel Schmidt
DevOPS guru

You might know Lars from his former work in the openSUSE-Heroes or openSUSE-Education teams.

Lars Vogdt
BuildOPS Team Lead & firefighter
Marcus Rückert
DevOPS guru
Nathan Cutler
DevOPS guru
Ruediger Oertel
DevOPS guru
Wolfgang Engel
Project Manager PackageHub
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