Tizen/Intel and SUSE OBS Teams met at the Tizen conference

The OBS teams from Tizen and SUSE met at the Tizen conference 2013 in San Francisco. Tizen is an emerging OS for mobile/automotive/entertainment, it is developed by Intel, Samsung, and the Linux Foundation. Tizen uses the build open service to develop their base system.

We talked about the new features of the 2.4 release, current issues and future plans of OBS development. One complaint we got is that it's cumbersome for them to track all of the build flags when using project links, so we are going to add the possibility to inherit the flags through the link. (We need to make this an optional feature to maintain compatibility to older versions.)

Another point of discussion was the complexity of the build script. People keep adding features in an unstructured way, which makes it hard to understand what's going on and what the implications of a change will be. We agreed on structual changes inside of the build script to make it more modular and easier to maintain.

Fate feature request for manual package release management , for managing package flags via project links and for for export hostarch for dependency solving have been added to our feature tracking.