Beta One of Version 2.7 Released
We are happy to announce the first preview release of the upcoming Open Build Service (OBS) version 2.7. Two highlights that you should check out are the download on demand support which makes it possible to include external software repositories and the new git work flows.
Known issues
- SLE 11 builds are not fixed yet, we are working on it
WARNING: OBS 2.7 will be the last release supporting SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 as base operating system for the server installation.
New features
- Incremental storage of sources from upstream SCM systems
- cpio archives are stored incremental and offered the to the build job as directory.
- The default git handling has been changed to use obs_scm service which produces the right format.
- Reworked download on demand support
- supports changing repositories now
- The Web UI has support to add remote repositories
- Support tracking of github issues
- Instantiate package api call for projects building service packs
- Source services can be used during build time
- they get executed before the packaging tool (eg. rpm-build) gets started
- Support to use docker as virtualization engine
- Support for simple image creation
- New option to avoid usage of defined repositories when branching a package via the OBS:BranchSkipRepositories attribute
- New hardware architectures are supported: k1om, aarch64_ilp32
- Many improvements in the maintenance support features
- Groups can have an email address for notifications and contact
- Improved scheduler speed
- New waitservice and mergeservice commands to handle _service files
- Allow non-obs urls in kiwi, map to obs urls if possible
- collax package format support
- Support virt-builder repository meta data
Incompatible Changes
- Repository meta data and packages are now signed with sha256 instead of sha1, if RSA is used.
- Users are allowed to add themselves in their home project, even when they got removed.
- Admins can set the user state to “locked” when they do want to block them.
- request “addrevision” option is using unexpanded revision when “updatelink” option is used
- package search for bug issues in attributes is done via own attribute_issue xpath attribute. the search api used to match source and attribute issues via same xpath attribute before
- “download” elements have been moved to “repository” elements and got a new syntax in project xml.
Other small changes
- experimental deep_check_dependent_projects_on_macro_change option
- bs_worker –vm-enable-console switch
- experimental view=order mode for _builddepinfo
- bs_serverstatus now works on ajax socket
- allow to get buildinfo for remote projects
- improved scheduling of inter-project dependent repositories
- use sign time from old signature when re-signing
- support view=versrel in _result query
- experimental expandflags:preinstallexpand support
- support “repotag” extension to set repository tags
- support “singleexport” option to use/publish only the best version
- support “simpleimage” build type
- support switching the build type from kiwi to spec in followup builds
- support triggerservicerun on _product
- add –rebuild-full-tree option to bs_admin
- implement view=cpioheaders for packages
- allow an array ref for $BSConfig::notification_plugin
More information
If you are longing for a deeper look into all the changes this update brings check out the detailed 2.7 Release Notes. It is also recommended to read these before updating your OBS instance!
Try OBS 2.7 Beta One
The reference server is available for all open source developers to build packages for the most popular distributions including openSUSE, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and SUSE Linux Enterprise. It is also used to build, release and maintain the openSUSE distribution.
2.7 Beta One is deployed on it.
Install 2.7 Beta One
Please read our setup instructions or better yet, use our appliance
Update to 2.7 Beta One
If you already have a running OBS installation and want to update it, please read also the README.UPDATERS file about the necessary steps. Please note that you need to have at least OBS 2.5 to be able to update to OBS 2.7 release. Migrations from older OBS versions will fail.
OBS Appliance users who have setup their LVM can just replace their appliance image without data loss. The migration will happen automatically.
Notes for using systemd
OBS is using init scripts, not systemd style service files. This will stay that way until we have switched from SLES 11 to SLES 12 as default production platform. openSUSE installations may use systemd (instead of sysvinit) and it should work in general but there can be problems (fetching the service status or restarting services). To avoid these problems you should use the init scripts directly to by-pass systemd:
# cd /etc/init.d
# ./obssrcserver status|stop|start
About the Open Build Service
The Open Build Service (OBS) is a generic system to build and distribute binary packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way. You can release packages as well as updates, add-ons, appliances and entire distributions for a wide range of operating systems and hardware architectures.
It is developed by a talented team of developers as Free Software and is used by many Free and Open Source software projects, companies and researchers. Including but not limited to SUSE the original provider of the enterprise Linux distribution, the Tizen standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators and ownCloud your secure enterprise file sync and share.